Friday, March 18, 2005

Is this possible?

When an electro-magnetic wave passes from one medium to other, part of the wave gets relected at the boundary and part transmitted. The reflecting surface electro-magnetic property determines the amount of reflection.

For a Z-directed wave with Electric intensity E in x direction and magnetic intensity in Y direction, the phasor fields are given by
Ex = E0e-jkz + E0’ejkz
Hy = (h)-1[E0e-jkz - E0’ejkz] -> (1)

After applying the boundary conditions, we obtain the reflection and transmission coefficients (i.e the ratio of reflected wave or transmitted wave to the incident wave]
E0’/ E0 = h” – h/h”+h
E0”/ E0 = 2h”/ h”+ h -> (2)
where h is the reflectivity of medium

My question is, if we send a EM wave and measure the amount of reflected wave, we can definitely tell that which medium refected it by having a simple database of medium and its reflectivity. And if this em wave is coherent, we can decide at what point on earths surface what element is present and what is present inside the earth too. Thus exploration of new planets can be done by transmitting and recieving coherent EM beam. Is this possible?
