Friday, July 22, 2005

Avoid another (LONDON) blast

Thursday night (21/07/05) when i switched on the Television, I was shocked to see another London bombing. Just was curious to know is it possible ever to come up with a perfect solution. Here is what I thought. Not perfect but can be useful. THe government has the database of all houses in the city. If the government asks the people in one house to check some other xyz house in the city. Probably one house family can check for 4 other houses (including car) for any explosive material and update that information on website. I know we are intruding the privacy of people, but in situations like this we have to compromise. There should be strict survelliance on the roads to see if some people are dumping anything unwanted outside the house for the days the public are searching the houses. The cops can themselves cannot search each and individual houses. So this will work. What do you say?


At 3:00 AM, Blogger Krishna Ram Kuttuva Jeyaram said...

i dont know how it will go in london.

but if we put some rule like this
in india, then each ppl will take
advantage of their power (or
responsibility) in searching
others house and it will be
misused. Even in london,this will be there upto some extent.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Rajesh said...

you will search the house along with the owner of the house. krish, tell me how it can be misused. I agree if that guy is a thief then we are under trouble. In case of such incidents (theft), you always know the other person who has come to your house to check. The basic idea here is that police alone cannot search all the houses and the public help the cops to search the house.

At 4:08 AM, Blogger Krishna Ram Kuttuva Jeyaram said...

rajesh, how can i ensure that the frequent checker is not theif?

if it requires authentication from the govt, then it will be very tedious for the govt to track every person and authenticate him.

and also, it will get complicated in countries like US, UK where the floating population is more.


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